Ministry of Environment starts process for the creation of ordinances for PP tires, containers and packages

Ministry of Environment starts process for the creation of ordinances for PP tires, containers and packages

We heard great news during the last week of January: the Ministry of Environment of Chile through Resoluciones Exentas Nº 1.491 y Nº1.492 has initiated the process to prepare the ordinances for the collection of priority products such as tires, containers and packages, in addition, to regulate a deposit and refund system for returnable drink bottles.

This process gives every natural or legal person 30 business days to provide important and well-founded technical, economic and social background information. To send this information and facilitate the citizen’s consultation, the ministry of environment has provided an online form in their webpage, however, it is also possible to submit written information at the Oficina de Partes of the Ministry in any of the Secretarías Regionales Ministeriales.

For this first phase, the deadline to submit the information is next February 16th, 2018.

For more information and to read the Resoluciones Exentas access the following links:

Aporte Antecedentes

MMA inicia proceso para fijar metas de reciclaje

The creation and launch of this process is everyone’s work, which is the reason why here at EcoEd we encourage you to send your comments and to share this information so that it reaches everyone who interested in this topic.