Sustainability Policy
A word from our CEO
We are agents of change that try to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable economy, for that reason we have established certain practices and goals, so our company can operate with only positive impacts towards the environment and society.
Due to the nature of our activities, the biggest impact we generate is upon Climate Change. Accordingly, Carbon Footprint will be used as our main control metric.
Our strategy will be as follows:
- Measure our carbon footprint baseline.
- Provide a work strategy with concrete actions that will reduce the carbon footprint as well as other environmental impacts.
- Adopt more sustainable consumer and production practices.
- Offset the remaining carbon footprint.
- Reach carbon neutrality in 2022.
We hope to share this positiveness and pragmatic sense of ours to the business community, to continue advancing towards our vision: that each decision makes the world more sustainable..
• Download our Sustainability Policy in Spanish here.
• Download our Sustainability Policy in English here.
Pia Wiche