EcoEd takes part in event about recycling revolution
Last Monday 20th at Infante 1415, Providencia, Santiago, the event “Revolución del Reciclaje: nuevas oportunidades para emprender” took place with great enthusiasm and a lot of public. At this event, Pia Wiche, Founder de EcoEd, had the opportunity of being chair of two panels that were included in this event.
Revolución de Reciclaje seeks to be the first event about entrepreneurship in Chile that is dedicated to Circular Economy and Sustainability. Its objective is to raise awareness and encourage sustainable entrepreneurship in Chile through lectures and discussions regarding current issues such as the REP law (Ley de Responsabilidad Extendida Del Productor or the law of Extended Product Responsibility for the Manufacturer) and the new ways of innovation in a circular economy.
The event was organized by four start-ups incubated by Start-Up Chile: Lift, New Hope EcoTech, Arqlite and Recolor, who worked together to be able to invite leading experts in the areas of recycling, sustainability, and circular economy.
Among the experts there were Michel Compagnon, General Manager of Comberplast, business dedicated to recycling plastic to create new products; Eliana Tapia of Cristoro, organization dedicated to recycling glass; Sebastian Romero of Muka; Sebastian Rodriguez of Sistema B; Isidro Pereira of Recupac; Anita Rivera of Regenerativa, and Pablo Urbina of Sodimac, among others.
Meanwhile, Pia moderated the panels that took place throughout the event which discussed topics such as “New opportunities of the REP law, a point of view from the private sector” and “New opportunities and challenges of Circular Economy”. In both cases, the participants had the opportunity to share their opinions and experiences about their entrepreneurship and organization regarding the current challenges that the system present.
For more information about this event, visit the official site:
The presentations can be downloaded from the following link: Presentaciones